CIT. Journal of Computing and Information Technology

UDC 004


Indexed in:
Scopus Database
DOAJ - Directory of Open Access Journals
EI Compendex
INSPEC Computer and Control Abstracts
LISA - Library and Information Science Abstracts
LISTA - Library, Information Science and Technology Abstracts
EBSCO Computers & Applied Sciences Complete
EBSCO Applied Science & Technology Source
EBSCO Engineering Source
Computer and Information System Abstracts
Compuscience Database on STN International and Internet
DBLP Computer Science Bibliography
CIS - Current Index to Statistics
ICI World of Journals

Member of:
Crossref/Crossref Similarity Check
CROASC - Croatian Association for Scholarly Communication 

SJR 2023 (SCImago Journal Rank): 0.161
CiteScore 2023: 0.7
SNIP 2022 (Source Normalized Impact per Paper): 0.326




Print ISSN 1330-1136 | Online ISSN 1846-3908

CIT. Journal of Computing and Information Technology is an international peer-reviewed journal covering the area of computing and information technology, i.e. computer science, computer engineering, software engineering, information systems, and information technology. CIT endeavors to publish stimulating accounts of original scientific work, primarily including research papers on both theoretical and practical issues, as well as case studies describing the application and critical evaluation of theory.

Editor-in-Chief: Alan Jović

Current Issue

Contact Information

Online Manuscript Submission

Author Guidelines

Special Issue/Section Organization Instructions

List of Reviewers 2023

Invited Section Editors 2023

CIT is a gold open access journal
Hrčak is the central portal of Croatian scientific journals.
Published by University of Zagreb Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing


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